
  • Yunni Rusmawati DJ Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics Islamic University of Lamongan
  • Titin Titin 2Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics Islamic University of Lamongan


Recruitment for the organization is a function in order to gather human resources into an organization. Methods in the recruitment process that are usually used by organizations include recommendations from existing employees at the company, job posting to the organization, collaboration with colleges or vocational high schools, advertisements published in newspapers, job fairs through expos and so on. . However, in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, internet technology has become a medium that is often used by job seekers to find job vacancy information. Information technology on the internet can be used to gain access to job searches through the e-recruitment method for companies that require new employees. This study aims to: 1) determine e-recruitment and work morale simultaneously influence the work performance of employees at PT X in Surabaya, 2) determine that e-recruitment and work morale have a partial effect on employee performance at PT X in Surabaya. 3) which variable is more dominant between e-recruitment and work morale on employee performance at PT X in Surabaya. The data analysis tool used in this study is multiple linear regression


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How to Cite

DJ, Y. R., & Titin, T. (2020). THE EFFECT OF E-RECRUITMENT AND SPIRIT AT WORK ON EMPLOYEE ACHIEVEMENT AT PT X IN SURABAYA. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from



International Conference of Business and Social Sciences