
  • Prasetyo Widyo Iswara Vocational Faculty, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Nina Triolita Accounting Study Program, NSC Polytechnic Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to design a computer-based sales accounting information system to be applied in the NSC Polytechnic Surabaya canteen. The research object used was the Sales Accounting Information System implemented by the NSC Polytechnic Surabaya canteen. Sales accounting information system itself uses a MySQL database. MySQL database is a free database server, it can be used for personal needs or for business purposes alone without having to buy a license, as well as program tools that are used using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Based on the results of the PIECES analysis, the conclusion of the study is that the process of recording cash sale transactions in the NSC Polytechnic Surabaya canteen is more tidy and orderly, this system is feasible to be implemented in order to obtain accurate, relevant, and up to date information when needed, this computerized system is feasible because the technology used is very adequate and easy to obtain and the value of the benefits is greater than the costs incurred, this system minimizes data loss and damage because this system stores data in a database that is protected against virus or malware attacks, using paper media for evidence sales transactions and proof of payment for room rent only. If we want to print a report stored in a database, then it can be printed at any time, service to customers can only be done at the NSC Polytechnic Surabaya canteen during working hours and come directly to the NSC Polytechnic Surabaya canteen so that they can know the number of customers. The design stage of a computer-based cash sale accounting information system includes 3 designs namely input design, output design, and database design.


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How to Cite

Iswara, P. W. ., & Triolita, N. . (2022). COMPUTER-BASED CASH SALE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN IN NSC POLYTECHNIC SURABAYA CANTEEN. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 195–204. Retrieved from

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