
  • Iwan Purnomo Adi STIE Yayasan Palapa Nusantara, Surabaya, Indonesia


This study tested the hypothesis of Van Rompay et al., (2014) which stated that cellphones that looked heavy were perceived as having higher quality. For this reason, this study seeks to find out the effect of perceived quality on smartphone user loyalty. The experimental research design was used to manipulate respondents' perceptions of two smartphones with different weights, namely 110-grams and 185-grams. Respondents sequentially extracted haptic information from the weight of the smartphones to evaluate the quality of the smartphones. One hundred and five respondents were categorized based on their preferences in extracting and utilizing information through a haptic system or low need for touch (Low NFT) and high NFT (HighNFT) using the NFT Scale (Peck & Childers, 2003b). Comparison of multiple linear regression analysis shows that in both respondent categories, the perceived quality of smartphones weighing 110-grams has a greater effect (r square) on loyalty than smartphones weighing 185-grams. Thus, it can be concluded that light smartphones are perceived to have better quality than heavy smartphones.


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How to Cite

Adi, I. P. . (2022). PERCEIVED QUALITY’S EFFECT ON LOYALTY: WEIGHT AS INTRINSIC CUES OF SMARTPHONE. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 376–383. Retrieved from