
  • D Yuliawan Department of Physical Education, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • M Y Rizky Department of Physical Education, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


The problem of children's interpretation of esports is used as the basis for this research. The lack of understanding of children playing games is the basis of the problem as a material for this study. Besides, the child's habit of playing di gadget games has a negative and positive impact on development. So we need a more in-depth study with an analysis of esports interpretation in school children. The research subjects used were school children who played in gadget games, with the sampling technique using quota sampling and purposive sampling. So that obtained a sample of 144. Collecting data in this study by filling out a research questionnaire that was distributed via google form as a medium. This was done because the research took place during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The result of this research is that the categorization of respondents is 0 respondents (0%) do not know, 1 respondent (1%) is doubtful, 3 respondents (2%) do not know, 122 respondents (85%) know, and 18 respondents (13%) very knowing. The highest frequency is found in the knowing category, so it can be concluded that the results of the esports interpretation of children playing gadgets are in the knowing.


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How to Cite

Yuliawan, D., & Rizky, M. Y. (2020). ANALYSIS OF ESPORT INTERPRETATION IN CHILDERN. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from



International Conference of Business and Social Sciences