This research was conducted to find out about the marketing strategies of the emping mlinjo business actors which are less effective from the aspect of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and the absence of product innovation. The location of this research is the Small & Medium Industry Center (IKM) Krupuk Emping Mlinjo Mojo Kediri. Respondents in this study were business actors as many as 31 people who were used as samples. The analysis technique was carried out by descriptive analysis and inferential statistics through validity, reliability, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests, t tests and F tests. The entrepreneurial orientation variable partially and significantly affects the competitive advantage of emping mlinjo SMEs in Mojo Kediri with a t count of 3,844 > t table of 2,039 with a significant value of 0.001 < 0.05. The market orientation variable partially has no effect on the competitive advantage of the emping mlinjo SMEs in Mojo Kediri with a t count of 1.181 < t table of 2,039 with a significant value of 0.248 > 0.05. The innovation variable partially and significantly influences the competitive advantage of the emping mlinjo SMEs in Mojo Kediri with t count of 2,485 > t table of 2,039 with a significant value of 0.019 < 0.05. Simultaneously entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and innovation have a significant effect on the competitive advantage of business actors in the emping mlinjo Mojo Kediri IKM. This result is evidenced by the calculated F value in this study of 18.769 and the significance value of F is 0.000 is <0.05. It is hoped that business actors will continue to focus their efforts on factors that can help in navigating the competition with innovation and looking at market share so that they have a competitive advantage.