
  • Wahyu Rochana Economic and Bussiness Faculty, Universitas Teknologi Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Mokan Doctoral Management Student, Indonesia School of Economic, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Alqatlya Wulandari Mustav Faculty of Fisheries And Marine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia


The Customer Satisfaction Survey for Performance Improvement of Cafe Business objectives are first to analysis level of customer satisfaction and the second as a basis of Performance Improvement for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM). The data analysis base on Univariate Analysis, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) indicators, and Bivariate Analysis was carried out to explain the benefits of the MAKMU CAFE Customer Satisfaction Survey in Sidoarjo. The survey method is Field Work Research, consist of 4 categories of respondents: Household Customers (RT), Teen Customers (PR), Parent Customers (PO) and Child Customers (PA), and the complex analysis between variables used Importance - Performance Analysis (IPA). This Survey result the Household Customers include in Quadrant II (Achievement Maintenance) especially in Product Quality, Product Quantity, Payment Officer Services and Payment Methods with Quadrant I as Main Priority on non cash Payment and price adjustments. The Teen Customers analysis result in Quadrant II maintaining achievements in Product Quality and Quantity, as well as Quadrant I as the Main priority in non-cash Payments and Product Price Adjustments. The results of the Parental Customer Analysis are not yet interested as customer because the price is expensive as well as The Analysis result of Child Customers. The Makmu Café Sidoarjo can be improved in the Quadrant I as the Main Priorities, especially the payment system, continuity and product intensity. In the other side, Quadrant II needs to Maintain Achievement on Product Quality, Product quantity and time period and method of payment.


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How to Cite

Wahyu Rochana, W. R., Mokan, A. ., & Mustav, A. W. . (2022). CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF CAFÉ BUSINESS . International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1318–1330. Retrieved from