
  • Ahmad Thoyyib Shofi Faculty of Teacher Trining and Education, University of Qomaruddin, Gresik, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Hafidz Yusuf Faculty of Enginering, University of Qomaruddin, Gresik, Indonesia


Islamic boarding school is the first model of Islamic education in Indonesia and is still exists today. Its existence in Indonesia is not only as an institution that holds education but also an institution to spread Islam which has been considered as indigenous Indonesian cultural product. Islamic boarding school now days applies both modern and traditional management because of the its need to adapt with the modern education and technologies. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the application of management at Al-karimi Islamic Boarding School of Gresik to dig up the management pattern applied in this institution by employing a case study approach. The writer has found that: (1) The model of curriculum management at Al-Karimi Islamic Boarding School is the combination of formal school-based (KTSP) and Takhassus Curriculum so it has produced Private Islamic boarding school-based curriculum. (2) The management of human resources (teachers and administration staffs) applies a closed pattern, in which the recruitment process has been carried out without publication and been prioritized for certain groups. (3) The management of students, facilities, infrastructure, and finance apply an open and modern pattern by implementing the functions of management. (4) The public relations management tends to apply the "Islamic traditional management" which includes planning, implementation, and evaluation based on Quran and Hadith principle such as ta’aruf, tarahum, tafahum, tasyawur, ta’awun and tafakul.


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How to Cite

Shofi, A. T. ., & Yusuf, M. H. . (2022). A CASE STUDY OF MANAGEMENT PATTERNS OF AL KARIMI ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL OF GRESIK. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 820–828. Retrieved from https://ojsicobuss.stiesia.ac.id/index.php/icobuss1st/article/view/249