This study is aimed at finding out and analyzing how the effect of the control system and the competence of supervisors on the work motivation of salespersons and their relationship to the performance of salespersons at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru. For this purpose, a study was conducted by taking a sample of 139 salespersons of PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru and the data collection technique employed is a questionnaire. The data analysis model employed is Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The hypothesis is tested by looking at the R-Square, Q-Square and path coefficients to get information on how much the dependent latent variable is influenced by the independent latent variable and the significance test. The results showed that the control system had a positive and significant effect on motivation, competence had a positive and significant effect on motivation, motivation had a positive and significant effect on performance, the control system had no significant effect on performance, competence had a positive and significant effect on performance. From the R-Square value, the results showed that the percentage of the effect of the control system and competence on motivation was 68.3% while the remaining 31.7% was influenced by other factors. The percentage of the effect of motivation as an intervening variable, control system, and competence on performance is 0.848, meaning 84.8% while the remaining is caused by other factors. The results of the calculation of the Q2 value show that the diversity of the research data can be explained by the structural model developed in this study, which is 60.5%. Based on these results, the structural model in this study has a decent goodness of fit.
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