PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. is an airline as the Indonesian flag carrier which currently serves 83 destinations around the world and various exotic locations in Indonesia. Garuda Indonesia prioritizes the best service through the concept of "Garuda Indonesia Experience" which emphasizes hospitality and the richness of Indonesian cultures. To actualize this concept requires consistency of company performance which is supported by the employee performance. This study aims at knowing and explaining the influence of competence and work motivation on ticketing employee performance through employee professionalism at PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. Branch Office of Surabaya. The population of this study was 50 ticketing employees of PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. Branch Office of Surabaya by involving all the employees as respondents. The data collection method of this study used documentation and survey methods. The data analysis used in this study was path analysis. This study concludes that competence affects on professionalism, motivation affects on professionalism, competence affects on the employee performance, motivation affects on the employee performance, and professionalism affects on the employee performance. For the indirect effect, professionalism is proven as an intervening variable in the influence of competence and motivation on the employee performance at PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. Branch Office of Surabaya.
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