
  • Chusnul Rofiah Management STIE PGRI Dewantara, Jombang, Indonesia
  • Khuzaini Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the meaning of traditional market culture in determining strategies based on the Javanese market through buying and selling activities. It is hoped that the results of this study are the discovery of the cultural meaning of marketing strategies based on “Pasaran Jawa”. The method used in data collection are observation, interviews, and photo documentation. The analysis refers to the realist ethnographic approach (Van Maanen, 2011), a traditional cultural approach that reflects a certain position on the individual being studied. Using a simple research design with triangulation theory (Rofi’ah dan Bungin, 2021) is the model developed by the first author in this study. Interviews are based on community volunteers to respond. Twenty-four of the twelve respondents were vendors, four were market/vendor officials and eight were entrepreneurs. Data collection involved conducting visual surveys through checklists and unstructured interviews between targeted respondents on defined criteria to obtain information from informed sources to individuals/Market officials. These criteria are based on the vendor's age, position, experience and those who sell a wide variety of local products to the market using a probability sampling strategy. Meanwhile, checklists are used to determine features of urban markets that can preserve cultural heritage. The data collected were analyzed to establish the relationship between traditional products and the market in view to reflect cultural features in the design market to serve as heritage. The results of this study reveal that there is a continuity of cultural features; tangible and intangible values that can be integrated to express the cultural heritage of the community in determining market operations based on the Javanese market which remains a role model without any intention of changing it as a form of upholding ancestral culture as Javanese society in determining marketing strategies including: determining the operation of Javanese market days, Culture Javanese Market, and Kejawen. There is no intention to modernize, it remains limited, and the market structure is not built to the standards of modern trends and is considered a “unique”. And market players have character in accordance with the Javanese culture that has been embraced although it is not known when it started. Based on these findings, the study recommends the integration of market space along with new market trends, modern facilities and cultural expressions of residents' heritage as the basis for market operations. The features of culture in a market vary substantially with the type of cultural function it contains as a standard in determining marketing strategy. However, the new modern trend must be integrated with extensions in women's product vendors, the provision of spaces that will increase cultural participation and stalls that will promote and enable local product production to flourish. Because of this, there is a need to achieve optimal relevance to the local population/users and to specifically serve in protecting and preserving the indigenous (regionalism) population in the cultural design market.


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How to Cite

Rofiah, C. ., & Khuzaini, K. (2022). REALIST ETHNOGRAPHIC APPROACH: STRATEGY TO MAINTAIN THE SUSTAINABILITY OF TRADITIONAL MARKET CULTURE BASED ON THE DETERMINATION OF "PASARAN JAWA". International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 19–32. Retrieved from

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