
  • Nur Hidayat Doctor of Management Science, STIESIA, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Budiyanto Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


Planned behavior affects various aspects of human life, one of them toward the behavior of members in the organization. The organizationial citizenship behaviour is also influenced by several things, including transformational leadership. The study goals to determine examine and analyze the effect of planned behavior toward the organizational citizenship behavior with transformational leadership as a moderating variable. The study determined the target population, they are all stakeholders of the Al Hikmah Fullday and Boarding School including teachers and staff/employees. The samples taken in the study were 220 (two hundred and twenty) people using the stratified random sampling method. The analytical technique used is the structural equation model. The conclusion obtained in this study there is a positive relationship between planned behavior and the organizational citizenship behavior. Transformational leadership is also positively related to the organizational citizenship behavior. Transformational leadership is able to moderate the relationship between planned behavior and the organizational citizenship behavior.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, N. ., & Budiyanto, B. (2022). PLANNED BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR: TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AS MODERATING VARIABLE. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1448–1463. Retrieved from

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