
  • Diana Rapitasari Faculty of Economy and Business, University of Bhayangkara Surabaya
  • Budiyanto Budiyanto Management Science doctoral program STIESIA Surabaya


The determination of the spread of the Covid-19 virus as a Pandemic by World Health Organization pushing some countries that are exposed to issuing Physical Distance policies. The state civil servants who have routine and long-term work require work from home. Regional Revenue Agency East Java Province oversees public services SAMSAT's one-stop one-way administrative system must implement the applicable policies. Shifting employees to work one day at home and the next day at office to minimizing their employees gather in the same room. This raises questions that need to be asked wether work from home is effective for Bapenda remembering this also has been as issue since early 2020. Descriptive qualitative research uses the method of triangulation where data, observations and interviews are conducted in depth interview. Informants are taken from the leaders and taxpayers. The results obtained are complaints from taxpayers such as the limited time spent on the handling the duties, and from top management leaders is the difficulty of achieving the original local revenue target where the funds are needed for operational costs and handling of the pandemic. It can also be concluded that some of the impacts arising from the implementation of work from home are in terms of revenue greatly affect the original regional revenue to support the regional budget and regional spending, because it is increasingly difficult to get income from taxpayers, Obstacles also arise to maintain stability in employee performance. The Positive thing is inovation programs that have been available so far and are less eye-catching to taxpayers are becoming more mandatory for tax user.


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How to Cite

Rapitasari, D., & Budiyanto, B. (2020). WORK EFFECTIVENESS OF WORK FROM HOME AT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BAPENDA STATE CIVIL APPARATUS OF EAST JAVA PROVINCE. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from



International Conference of Business and Social Sciences

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